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Welcome to Roots Cafe!

Elevated new-American brunch where quality, hospitality, and community come together. At Roots Cafe, we serve crafted dishes that celebrate the best of seasonal flavors, all while supporting our community through collaborations with local artisans, charities, and other small businesses. Every bite is made with care, every guest is treated like family, and every visit helps give back. Join us for brunch that’s more than just a meal–it’s a movement!

Stay Rooted, Eat Fresh, Eat Local!


See what our guests are saying about us!

Best Hot Chicken Sandwich!

The ROOTS Hot chicken sandwich is one of my favorite restaurant items of all time! I've ordered it dozens of times and the quality is always excellent. ROOTS overall is my favorite restaurant in West Chester and honestly might be my favorite restaurant of all time! - Michael P.

Highly Recommend!

My wife and I went to brunch at Roots Cafe and we were greeted right away and seated within a minute or so. Our server Ben was awesome and gave us excellent service. Our meals were the best that we ever had for brunch. We highly recommend going to Roots Cafe to see for yourself. - John D.

Never Disappoints!

I'm a frequent guest at Roots, bringing every visitor to this restaurant because it never disappoints. The quality, diversity, and execution of everything on their menu are outstanding. This item is new, and I love babaganoush in general, but this blew me away. It's a perfect light, but filling appetizer. Loved it!! - Sofia C.


Sunday - Saturday: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm


133 E Gay St, West Chester, PA 19380

(610) 455-0100